Cassouki’s Story

In December 2020, Cassouki embarked on a transformative journey–purchasing an abandoned property in the heart of the White Mountains of New Hampshire. Since then, she has devoted herself to breathing new life into the land, creating a cabin sanctuary that cultivates connection with self, nature, and community.

Cassouki’s mission began around the of age of 7 when she and her sisters built a fort deep in the woods behind their parents’ home. Every day they would venture out to create their forest sanctuary until the sun set below the horizon– gathering lush moss for a carpet inside the fort, constructing walls from fallen branches, even building a bridge over the brook. They designated a ‘meeting tree’ where Cassouki and her sisters would gather with cousins to make decisions. A circle of 6 little women gathered around a tree like their ancestors, deeply rooting in sisterhood and connection, living in harmony with each other and the earth. This forest sanctuary was where Cassouki found peace in her childhood, a space that planted the seed of where her path would later lead.

Driven by her love of nature and primal need of connection in community, Cassouki was guided to create The Conscious Cabin. The Conscious Cabin is a retreat in the heart of the White Mountains dedicated to cultivating a profound sense of connection with our most empowered self, each other and the wilderness that surrounds us. In a world that often demands more, The Conscious Cabin is an invitation to do less. To tap into the medicine that lives in slowing down. Noticing the rhythmic crackle of a fire, basking in the inherent wisdom woven through each log. Cassouki’s hope is that when the distractions of everyday life begin to settle, you feel what it’s like to come home again, and maybe even remember that that home is you.

Directed & Produced by BDLB Productions


The Space

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